What We Do
Klaatch leverages human touch and technology to help older adult organizations determine their Social Quotient, build new initiatives for individual and community social connectivity, and propel organizational performance.
What is the Social Quotient?
The Social Quotient is an aggregate measure of an NLP-derived personality profile, validated loneliness surveys of older adults, and the level of engagement in programs and activities.
The Klaatch Methodology uses four components to energize individual and community connectedness.
Inventory of Existing Programs & Initiatives
This is a discovery process involving management and staff. We review program offerings and determine their appropriateness for those at risk or high risk for loneliness.
Workshops & Training
In highly interactive workshops and training, Klaatch collaborates with your team, to understand the fundamentals of loneliness in your community, and customize the Social Quotient. As part of the Klaatch Methodology, front-line staff uses active listening and empathy to strengthen the connection with older adults and to integrate Klaatch tools into daily work routines.
Generating Baseline Social Quotient Scores
Using the Klaatch Survey Tracking System, the interactive dashboard, and the user portal, the baseline Social Quotient scores are developed for each member/resident and for the community as a whole.
Customizing and Personalizing Social Connectivity Programs
Based on the data and insights generated by the Social Quotient, we work with your team to enhance current offerings and build innovative social connectivity programming.