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Klaatch CEO Adam Greene presents Cracking the Code: A New Diagnostic Approach to the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley
This article advocates for innovative strategies to foster social connectedness, such as facilitating low-risk interactions, providing shared experiences, and fostering a culture of empathy and belonging. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing loneliness to transform lives in these communities.
Discover the healing power of social connection in a personal journey through loss. This poignant tale of a matriarch’s life and legacy illuminates the importance of family, memories, and shared stories in overcoming grief and loneliness.
Create loneliness solutions by embracing casual connections. Engage in low-risk interactions for positive connections and a sense of belonging. Healthcare professionals play a pivotal role in fostering vibrant communities through these simple yet powerful acquaintances.
Loneliness shortens your life. And not trivially. Older adults who are sometimes or often lonely in their 60’s live about 5.4 years less than their well-connected neighbors! And, in terms of healthy life expectancy, the toll can be six years shorter. Keep in mind that 35%+ of independent and assisted living residents are sometimes or often lonely. That’s why persistently lonely residents have such a large impact on length of stay.
Sometimes I think it’s hard to understand how difficult it is to work with lonely, older adults. Loneliness makes them self-centered, and distrusting. It’s the equivalent of being hangry (hungry + angry), but for lonely people. I often ask senior living executives how long would you stay in a job where you had to work with people who were distrusting, grumpy and only concerned about themselves all day long?
How do we support our older adult loved ones as they age and lose community but want to stay socially active and fight loneliness? How do we determine what senior-living community will support this need and enhance their social connection?
Many countries today have an aging society where loneliness and social isolation are rampant and it has a massive impact on seniors’ health and life expectancy. The kind of stable social networking like my mother-in-law’s Kaffeeklatsch is invaluable. It provides social bonding and meaningful connection to each member.
The habits of loneliness are the self-protective, self-centered, and disagreeable behaviors caused by loneliness. Overcoming them are the key to solving the loneliness epidemic.
The epidemic of loneliness among older adults will only be solved when we recognize that loneliness, causes unhealthy and dislikable behaviors. Loneliness solutions that don’t address these behaviors won’t get lonely older adults to rejoin the community.